my job
is sucking the life out of me. even if i arrive in the morning feeling ok, by early afternoon i'm miserable. i guess this is what 2 years of reading blogs all day will do to you. it's not even a wish or desire to get out anymore, but more like a necessity. and it makes me so tired all the time, the boredom. but then i perk up as soon as i get home. what is there to do, but drink and drink some more. and i'm so crabby and irritable. my boss is the nicest guy ever, but i'm annoyed by him every day. i think by now, he must notice that my normal facial expression has become a blank stare/slack-jawed.
randomly, a few albums that have made me feel better in the past/take me back to a good time in my life:
jimmy eat world-clarity
helped kick my ass out of my first serious, long-term depression. having the best job ever and several office crushes probably didn't hurt, either.
blur-think tank/radiohead-hail to the thief
takes me back to exploring berlin and italy, the first time i'd been to europe in 10 years. blur is especially linked to berlin - what an awesome city. things were really good at that time too. i just graduated and had a job (this fabulous one), but that was a feat at the time. things were good with a guy who had yet to show he was an asshole supreme, naturally.
and to a lesser degree:
blonde redhead-melody of certain damaged lemons
postal service-give up