Tuesday, September 30, 2008

top design

i'm catching up on season 2, and here are some thoughts. that dumb twit natalie... she is 24 and did a shadowbox about her PROM, and then confused hiroshima for being in china. what else is to be said, really. and they tried to replicate the goil with the new thai guy who is utterly, utterly ridiculous. ugh.

i've never blogged about this kind of stuff before

but why not. nelson's acne gel is the best stuff i've ever used, and it's not even expensive. a+!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

that guy who was in titanic...

i edited his furniture plan yesterday for my former bosslady. apparently he didn't bother to take his sunglasses off until their second meeting. <> he also wanted her to design his penthouse in one month, all up. insanity! i'm a bit jealous to not see what it'll look like, but not jealous at all over the kind of hustling the company has and will be doing. bet you he isn't buying any cheapo furniture that will require allen key assembly, though!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

and it all comes together

on my name:

Also possibly from the Old German name Avila or from the Latin "avis" meaning "bird".

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

yoga gripes

this chick was wearing her shoes all over the studio. a) who the hell does that? and b) fix your toes, you european. ok i know that statement is inflammatory, but in the us and, especially in ny, we just do not go out with open-toed shoes if our feet aren't looking nice.

reminded me of when i went to a yoga class and there was a woman there with a full-on fur coat. boggles the mind!

lady k, you've made your blog private. please to send me an invite to read. good luck to everyone who is starting up at school again!