Monday, December 31, 2007

last night i fertilized the neighbor's garden with pukey puke

not the most auspicious start to the new year... a raging headache kind of put a bummer on the night.

however, i was genuinely touched when a male neighbor asked me if i was ok because he'd noticed me sitting there for awhile. no ulterior motives, he asked if i had enough water and all. also, i haven't noticed this in ny but here strangers on the street wish you a happy new year with a huge (albeit drunken) smile. it's nice.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

following with facebook

snarkylush is:

basking in the warm weather

tickled pink sister rocked out at the show tonight

tried counting the number of boys who actually needed to shave at said show, then stopped at three

feeling like a grandma at any of the indie events in melbs

Sunday, December 23, 2007

gimme the fucking bottleS

my parents are driving me mental. i want to show them some of the nice things about melbourne. so i took them to the place that has the best coffee in the city, that i know of. my mom is indecisive, as per usual. i know she always drinks cappucinos, so i'm like, um, cappucino?

"oh, that have cappucinos here?"

no mom, they only serve tea.

"but is it goooood?"

no mom, i took you here, out of the way, to get the shittest coffee.

then she insists on adding her own sugar instead of letting the barista do it for her. she doesn't want to drink it on an empty stomach because she has stomach problems, fair enough. i take them to centre st where they get aggro at me. she then asks the waitress if the toast is regular or thick. and then proceeds to change her breakfast order twice. and doesn't drink the coffee. the poor waitress flinches everytime dear mum looks in her direction. i alternate between hiding my face, cringing, and shooting i'm sorry looks. and i audibly whimper when i discover my vs are in my other pill box back at the hotel.

and, apparently, the great barrier reef is GREY.

on another note, my grandma won $45 from the .02 slots last night.

Friday, December 21, 2007

hobart, i'm not impressed

first off, stayed in the scungiest hostel that i've chosen yet. after walking around the city, none of the other hostels looked any better from the exteriors. i decided to treat myself to a nice dinner since i'd be eating backpacker-y food the rest of the week. i was craving seafood, which is supposed to be excellent here. i chose a whole grilled snapper at a greek restaurant, where they normally do fish really well. it was dried out and tasteless. how the hell did they ruin a whole fish?? and - it cost me $28, for which i would expect a VERY nice meal. well i moved backpackers and it's the most expensive place i've stayed in to date at $28 a night, but at least i don't dread touching anything.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

back in melbs for a split second

so i've finished up new zealand and am off to tasmania in a day. it's weird being back, it's home but not home. the trip passed by so quickly, but at the same time it seems like i left melbourne ages ago. i did and saw many great things. me and angelface were talking about how spoiled we are. we've seen such amazing things that anything less than awesome seems just ok. i saw incredible lake and mountain vistas, but after the second one they seemed old hat.

a big fuck you goes out to the woman who works at x admissions office for telling me the wrong date of the start of the semester. firstly, it's retarded to not have that kind of information easily accessible on the website. the school's site is horrible, it's near impossible to find any information you want and need. secondly, what kind of raving idiot works in admissions and doesn't know semester start/end dates? because of her mistake, my schedule to return home is fucked and i will be charged a penalty for changing the date of my flight.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

what i think of queesntown

last night, i was awoken by the people in the bunk below me having sex. they had sex twice last night. i know this. i felt every thrust. it's a BUNK BED. i've heard of this shit happening but hadn't experienced it before. i rolled over. i sighed. i turned the light on and went to the bathroom. they had no shame and there were no apologies this morning. i switched rooms because there is no way in HELL i'm going through that again tonight. there has got to be something in a person's character that makes them so desperate, or think to it's ok to have sex in a room full of people.

in general, i'm not a fan of this place although it's a nice change of pace from being in 'towns' with about 4 houses and the hostel/pub. i've broken up with 2 tour groups but met a few cool people along the way, i suppose. it is extremely touristy here, it's like the town was built for tourists. every other store is some adventure tour thing. and the bars are full of sleazy guys looking to pick up so they can presumably bring the girl back and fuck in their dorm room. the backpacker bar scene, it's so not my thing.
