Saturday, September 29, 2007

this illustrates just one of the reasons i needed to get out of the internet banning corporation.

AGR Story Telling


god bless tv links! now i can keep up my shows: grey's, nip/tuck, gossip girls. did i miss any??

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

i just had the most garlicky chinese 'meal' of my life. it consisted if a plate of GARLICKY bok choy. i then went to a table full of stockbrokers and lawyers and said HEYYYYYY.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007



i finally saw sicko today. yes it's a michael moore film, but i found it interesting nonetheless and highly recommend americans see it. it really made living in europe seem better and better. i might have to give that passport a workout...

i saw a movie in the afternoon. yes, because i can. never fear, i am working the rest of the week. 6 day weekends are the shit.

ditto with dreds

go away, go away. stop touching me! gah.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

dub dub go away

i don't like dub. my housemates do. they were more than happy to play a straight dub cd in the late hours of the party. the one band i saw yesterday at high vibes was miso. i can't get away from the stuff. it must be some kiwi thing? the eye candy didn't live up to expectations at the festival either.

about the party, i got drunk early on and when it seemed the party had peaked, i kind of got bored and checked out and decided to lie in bed for a few hours.

Friday, September 21, 2007

my new obsession

tummy, meet burek. nom nom.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

on loneliness

recently ive hung out with a few people whose interests/going out tastes have differed from mine by quite a bit. i don't think it's any secret that i'm a snob when it comes to venues to go out at. i'm perfectly happy to be somewhere shitty if i'm in a large group with good company, but it's another story when it's just 2-3 people. anyway being dragged into someplace awful reminded me that, sometimes it's better to be alone than to wish you were alone. perhaps, just perhaps, i will be more accepting of those nights i'm sitting at home twiddling my thumbs.

what time is it what time is it what time is it

this is the perennial favorite question for people from home to ask me. unfortunately, they fail to realize that they should be sending me certain wishes NOW and not tomorrow.

however, someone very unexpected provided multiple LOLs this morning, so i'm thankful for that.

Monday, September 17, 2007

a small example

of how disgustingly different i am to my coworkers... this one guy went to the espy last weekend, which is a cool venue i guess. i haven't been myself in awhile. i asked him how it was, and he was all augh, it was so dirty! and the people there were so weird. they looked weird, like they were in harry potter.


um, yeah. i kind of doubt it was even that hipster there. thank god wednesday is my last day! this other girl was going on and on about how above coworker had gotten drunk on the weekend. drunk on the wknd you say?! fucking SQUARES.

some more small things (negative version. positive version may or may not be forthcoming).

-the look of confusion on flatmate's friend's face when i opened the door and the obvious look at the house number. cos nooo, flatmate couldn't possibly be living with an asian girl, could he?

-the bartender failing to realize that i was with 2 flatmates, despite my standing right next to one of them and his ordering for me.

"a vb for the lady."

bartender, looking at me. "what are you having?"

"um.. a vb."

Sunday, September 16, 2007

just another one of those days

when, you know, you're drunk all day and all night. good fucking fun, i say. started off with a delicious, fresh brunch with a new friend. then on to my very first baby shower where i cooed over one of the bebes in attendance. i'm the proud recipient of tie for first place for coolest prezzie. then, i took a few housemates out to burlesque which, here, is more variety show than overt sexy/sleaziness. finished the night off with yum indian. what more could a girl want, besides a cute guy on each arm?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

big brother, he is watching

and i'm banned from the internet at work. so over these big corporations with sticks up their asses.