Monday, September 17, 2007

a small example

of how disgustingly different i am to my coworkers... this one guy went to the espy last weekend, which is a cool venue i guess. i haven't been myself in awhile. i asked him how it was, and he was all augh, it was so dirty! and the people there were so weird. they looked weird, like they were in harry potter.


um, yeah. i kind of doubt it was even that hipster there. thank god wednesday is my last day! this other girl was going on and on about how above coworker had gotten drunk on the weekend. drunk on the wknd you say?! fucking SQUARES.

some more small things (negative version. positive version may or may not be forthcoming).

-the look of confusion on flatmate's friend's face when i opened the door and the obvious look at the house number. cos nooo, flatmate couldn't possibly be living with an asian girl, could he?

-the bartender failing to realize that i was with 2 flatmates, despite my standing right next to one of them and his ordering for me.

"a vb for the lady."

bartender, looking at me. "what are you having?"

"um.. a vb."


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