aw cute
some 22 year old kid matty knows has an internerd crush on me!
guy: btw tell Evelyn i said hello
Matt: she doesnt like younger guys though
Matt: :-(
Matt: or asian fetishists
guy: well i mean i'm not an azn fetishist.. if it comes down to that
guy: i'll lie
me: the secret is out
say i want to see a picture
no ifs ands or buts
just out of morbid curiosity
but keep that to yourself
guy: o shi
guy: i don't actually have any where i'm all indie'd out. in fact i don't really have any on this computer, i just got it recently and didnt transfer any
Matt: hahaah
guy: tell her i will seek out some
guy: but that i remain committed to her
guy: and that she is my internet crush
Matt: love what?
me: chortling away here, matty