Saturday, April 08, 2006

ew gross

yesterday i took a walk through chinatown proper for the first time in ages. behold, the stench. behold, the sidewalk congestion. behold, the man selling batteries on the sidewalk and calmly and thoroughly excavating the contents of his nostrils. why this is such a common phenomenon among men, i don't know. you never see a woman digging for gold like that. i'm happy to say i did not witness any projectile snot. you know what this is... it's when dudes (again) hold one nostril shut with a finger and blow full force out the other, as though they are blowing into a tissue. but there's no tissue there. this may be the grossest thing ever. i once saw (and heard) a guy doing this at west 4th, over and over again. he would not stop. i eventually had to drag my friend further along the platform because i was laughing so uncontrollably.


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