Thursday, January 08, 2009

karma police!

so this miserable cunt who called me (on a public forum, completely uncalled-for) first, a cum receptacle, and then, as some kind of pro-women feminist blablabla, a cum vacuum, was fired by the restaurant which was host to the event that caused all the drama to begin with. for telling on the kitchen staff who left early one night. i guess there IS such a thing as being overly self-righteous. the only reason i still loathe her is she never gave me a real apology. her oh, vacuum is so much more empowering to women, did not amuse me. so, i feel vindicated that karma will pay you back. i bit my tongue for so long and so hard i bled, several times. she made me take valiums on two separate occasions i was so worked up/furious. is it too much to hope that she stays unemployed/unlaid for a long while?


Blogger stellagee said...


3:01 PM  

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