Tuesday, October 14, 2008

xxx yawn

i went to the diesel xxx party this past weekend. it was pretty much the worst open bar i've ever been to, a total shitshow. me and the biff tried to get at one bar and, after standing 4-5 deep and not moving for 20 minutes, concluded that we were standing at a bad spot the bartender didn't cover and decided to walk around for a bit. we then tried the other bar where we stood 6 deep. after 20 more minutes there, getting a drink became a thing of principal over need. we got to the party a bit before 10 and did not get any booze down until after 12:30. no joke. it didn't help that we had a shitty bartender at our end who took his time and really seemed to enjoy breaking bags upon bags of ice. by the time we were served, they were out of bourbon and vodka and had a bit of tequila and rum left, and shitty beer. that and i'd had this disgusting shovy/pushy girl PRESSED up against me for over 30 minutes.

it was just so remarkably bad. shocking considering it was diesel's last xxx party, i would have thought they had the formula down by now. perhaps they just didn't want to pay the salaries for more bartenders? i would have much preferred bringing my flask and trying to enjoy the music.


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