errant flesh
so i got back from coachella yesterday morning. it was a loooong adventure. we started off at the filter pre-party, where the shuttle picked us up in front of the casino i stayed at 2 years ago (aww, matty).

the scene.

a typical, ridiculous LA girl.

these guys were screenprinting free t-shirts. after waiting for an hour, v and i had to go through with it and get one. we waited TWO AND A HALF hours. and the front of mine is screwed up. waiting in the insanity left me needing to pee like never before . i was in such intense pain, and almost started crying when i found out there were 3 bathrooms, total. i considered squatting in the shrubbery a few times, but it wasn't dense enough, dark enough, and there were too many people.

i tried to talk nb into buying some tussy (it didn't smell bad), but she wasn't having any of it.

the scene at the music loves fashion pool party.

the obligatory uber-hipsters.

i could totally see this guy's ween! eurotrash...

a tent and some food stalls in vip. note the headband, which were ubiquitous. do not like, do not want. i wanted to snap them like you snap a bra strap. ding! anything in there? also seen - and disliked - high-waisted mom shorts. we saw way too much inner butt cheek!

this is where we could be found every night.

of course there was at least one keffiyeh.

the sun sets on day one.

they had some bizarre chandeliers going on in the pleb dining area.

i totally fell in love with this little guy. look at his badass headphones!

i took this picture of kevin barnes without realizing who he was until he turned around.

coppers enjoy playing galaga.

the boss cabana party. check out the thing that shades your head. i wish all lounge chairs had those. smart.

this guy caught me snapping him reading nylon!

!!!, the only band i got up close and in the crowd for.

juuuust kidding! nb and i got mf backstage for a few hours sunday night. we caught lily allen and ratatat from stage-side. it was hot as balls, but awesome!

the mojave tent from the other side.


and their crowd.

oh hey, cory.

some super shitty drama ended the night. this is the scene as me and v wait by the car after speedwalking around damn near the entire polo field. it pretty much sums up how i felt.

after one last mexican feast, me and nb had a fancypants drink at the hollywood roosevelt.
seen: lohan, drunk tara reid being led by her friend, cisco and his balls, tommy lee, jessica alba, scott speedman (yum yum), cobrasnake and his troll, and various musicians who were playing.
do you like the subject? it's a phrase i came up with over the weekend to describe all the things i didn't want to be seeing that were all hanging out there.
i really hope our greeting isn't on nylon tv...i was TORE UP that day.
also...awwwww, coachella.
should have taken a picture of keffiyeh tshirt dude.
ok, so i'm commenting like crazy...
1. hahahahahahahaha at the bathroom.
2. i just remembered the girl wearing the white dress (so tight i could see what she had for lunch) and bending over!!!
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