Wednesday, April 04, 2007

how far do you go

to appease your neighbors? my downstairs neighbor, who's in a cutesy local band, has come up twice asking me to lower the music. he's a very nice guy and has done it in such a nice and pleasant way, and i've felt bad and even embarrassed. the first time i can understand because i was blasting new young pony club at 1:30 and didn't realize the power of my sound sticks. this second time, though, the music didn't sound very loud to me and i would never knowingly blast music at a late hour. i don't need to be told things twice and i would never be rude on purpose. he also asked that i don't play music in the morning. now hang on. i'm not allowed to listen to music as i get ready to go to work?? sometimes i need an extra kick in the ass and need to listen to mstrkrft or justice or something like that. at a decent volume, not so that i can barely hear it. i don't know, am i being unreaosnable or is he?

lately i've been having a hard time getting ouf of the house. one of my last steps is getting dressed, and i'll lie on bed and have a cuddlesesh with sammy for a few minutes while i think about what to wear. i put this off because it's like once i'm dressed, it's time to go. or something like that. well the cuddle sessions have been going for more than 10 minutes recently. sam is loved.


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