Monday, July 25, 2005

so sad

i just found out that a high school classmate of mine died yesterday from bone marrow cancer. he was diagnosed less than a year ago. it makes me feel really weird. on one hand, i really didn't know him at all - but our school is really small so you do kind of know everyone. still, it makes me feel really sad. it's so fucked up when a peer dies. this guy was brilliant, like genius brilliant. you could tell he was going to go on and do great things. i'm lucky not to have had anyone really close to me die yet. i knew this other guy who died a few years ago from an aneurysm. he was 22. live life to the fullest, kiddies. you never know when shit's going to hit the fan.
oh yeah, there were also the twins who both passed away. i only found out about it last summer, but it happened a few years ago. one twin OD'd and the other couldn't come to terms with it, and committed suicide on valentine's day to be found by his girlfriend. what's up wheatley 99, why you gotta be dropping like flies?


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