Monday, July 11, 2005

i smell like salad dressing

because i had a salad dressing explosion in my bag and it seeped onto my clothes. so i get a waft of sour every now and then. this is really fucking gross and i don't recommend it. the stink is pretty reminescent of my bulgarian coworker's bo. she has some serious sour stench going on. now i know it's not awfully common to wear deodorant in eastern europe. in fact i remember when we were in russia, our tour guide's bo was so bad my family was contemplating buying her a stick of deodorant from the pharmacy. seriously.

here are some remainders:

i couldn't help myself, part 2

could this possibly be the same guy from the july 4 bbq? decide for yourself.

amazingly enough, i think i found his long-lost cousin, at the big day out in australia of all places!


one of them weird san franciscans. need i say more?

time for an embarrassing confession: i think i love the discovery health channel. they have some really fascinating programming. check it out if you get it. speaking of health, i feel some sniffles coming on. i guess i should be.. grateful? to my poor immune system. the last time i was sick was in april, which has got to be a record in past years.


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