white geezers can't dance, etc etc
cmj is over. final tally: 9 bands, $0, countless open bars. not bad at all. i caught canada's shout out out out out (try saying that with a canadian accent and laugh yourself silly). i dug the music and would see them again, but will make it a point to stay in the back and dance. reason being, i thought bassist #1 was one of the grodiest looking guys i've ever seen. . check it.

he could be ok, if he did something with all that hair! and stopped sticking his tongue out and doing the lizard (side to side). wtf? so cringe-inducing.
during 120 days' set, there was a fierce viking-like dude. i tried to capture his massive dred. you can kind of see it.

the nme party is being held in the most random venue - ever. seriously! a dim sum hall? ok, whatever. caught the sounds' surprise set. maja is so ridiculously hot... her legs are something fierce, and you just know she's never exercised one day of her life.

also caught the horrors, who didn't really impress me. what kept me occupied was thinking about how long it must take to do up this hair.

moving on to my little sojourn in london, the boys there haven't gotten the whole scarf thing down yet.

(also done with terrorist scarves)
unfortunately, pete doherty wannabes are en vogue. why why why.

scenes from clubland of some truly frightful dancing.
yeah, i was quite the fan of overweight curly redhead guy who could pass for mario batali.
after a night of dancing and drinking, what do we have here?

oh. it's what the british call PIZZA! or, an inch of cardboard with some shit sprinkled on top.
earlier in the night, maybe you would fancy some meats?

hand spanked, and only 6.25!
seen in shoreditch.

before europe, i was lucky enough to see the yeah yeah yeahs for free. thx to nb for the hookup. now i love karen o, and of course her stage ensembles are legendary. but this looked like a paper mache explosion to me.

finally, from the past weekend. we went to a vice party. by the bathroom, it looks like someone didn't make it in time.

irony of all ironies, it's puke all over an issue of vice.
that's what the chip shops (ahem, marathon) are the only places to go after the clubs & pubs. i don't think i've ever seen anyone eat that 3-week-old pizza.
i think i have a crush on detroit tigers.
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