Friday, October 20, 2006

this morning on the subway, i sat across from a guy sitting smack in the middle of the seat (it was one of the new trains). a skinny girl managed to squeeze her way in between him and the rail. did he even look up? no. did he move an inch, to give her more space? no. yesterday, i was maneuvering my way through an insufferably crowded station when a guy bumped into me as i was veering towards an exit to the right. actually, it was his massive stomach that bumped into me several times. and then he stepped on the backs of my feet. what. the. fuck. wouldn't normal people slow down a tiny bit, maybe alter their path a bit to the left? guys in this fucking city do not move out of their way for women. it's the woman's job to move on the sidewalk. if she doesn't she will sure as day be body checked. it all goes back to guys' false fucking sense of entitlement. i call bullshit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i witnessed the same thing on the train a couple of nights ago. these two fairly thin guys were sitting next to each other, legs spread, a good 6 inches between the 2 of them and between the one on the end and the end of the seat. a girl with a bunch of bags asks to sit and the guy nearest the pole barely moves a couple of inches!!! the guy next to the end of the seat just sat there!!! she sat down thinking they'd move for her, but no. wtf?!?

12:03 PM  
Blogger snarkylush said...

there's a whole bunch of moms who have a lotta splaining to do.

12:17 PM  

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