Friday, October 06, 2006


it was a treat last night to see ash in a tiny venue - i was really taken back to my high school days when i was a hardcore fan. i've been out of the loop with them for a long time, plus they hardly get any press in the us. they played mostly songs off of 1977, and only 'burn baby burn' from their time with charlotte. maybe they haven't yet figured out how to incorporate two guitar parts into one? they were super tight, and played 2 brand new songs. 1977 is by far my favorite of their albums, and unfortunately they really lost me with their latest album. i have to say, i didn't like the new songs at all. i don't care for the direction they've been going in. i liked them best when they played the simple pop gems. i've always thought tim wheeler one of the finest love song composers. hello, goldfinger? btw, adding to his hotness is some new arm ink! oh my.


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