a good finnish fuck?
first off, in regards to the subject: bwaaaahahahahaha.
i'm back from my little scandinavian getaway, and unhappily back at work. my impeccable host, k, took me around to see the sights and experience the nightlife of helsinki. on our last full day in the city, we went to suomenlinna, an island a 15 minute ferry ride away.

i feel like i'm with the hobbits!
finns really love their produce. and i mean, love. they will chomp away at raw veggies fresh from the market. behold this guy snacking away on a plain cucumber.

i had a try with some sweet peas and they were very good, actually.

naughty sausages indeed. finns and swedes both love their sausage. sausage!
i went to turku for umf. this was the scene on one of the riverboats.

the djs were not very good, but that's ok. we had other entertainment. finnish bachelor/bachelorette parties are wild, all weekend drinking affairs. they go all out. the poor groom-to-be.

finns have a reputation even amongst scandinavians for their heavy drinking. i would tend to agree. this lush was put to shame. i just could not keep up. k's boyfriend could easly drink 3 beers to my one and keep that pace up all night. also notice all the blond hair? i've never seen so much of it naturally. they actually dye their hair black or brown to be different! take that, you ues ladies with a $500/month blonde habit.
during autechre's set, we couldn't help but notice this very unhappy soul. he looked absolutely miserable. i wanted to yell at him to cheer up! (the pic is blurry because i was laughing).

i happened to see him a few days later, and he looked the same.
scandinavian fashion section:
is this what is going to be walking around everywhere in a few months?

same guy, two crazy pairs of pants.

here is the crazy flowerchild who talked to me. i must have had the strangest look on my face. as k said, he would make a great trannie.

and that concludes umf. i saw k's friend's band play, magenta skycode, and have been listening to them ever since getting back, so much so i think it busted one of my cd trays and now it won't play in my stereo. ops. i suggest you check them out if you like interpol, the editors, and dare i even say arcade fire. unfortunately, they have some horrific hangers-on. one guy who to me embodies everything obnoxious about americans AND people in the entertainment industry. he scored in the early 90s with ace of base, and would not shut up about himself and his many accomplishments. "i did this, i did that, on and on." people may be impressed if he had anything to say that was more relevant, say in the last 5 years or so. i would have paid him to get away from me, jesus. his site is incredibly unprofessional-looking and is written in broken english, too. then there was this twat who was trying to pass herself off as not only american, but a new yorker. her english was very good, but k caught a slight finnish accent and called her out on it. twat started to look very nervous and left shortly thereafter. i wish i could have questioned her too, but i was too preoccupied with pompous ass there. for whatever reason, scandinavians don't hate americans like the rest of the world does and it is, in fact, a plus to be american. anyway, rant over.
i heard many things about the overnight viking line party cruise going to stockholm, and i was right in every way to be scared. we started the night off with the buffet. just look at this plate - it's ridiculous. they tend to like their fish served cold. i do not. my 'no' pile was pretty big.

to preserve room in our stomachs, we drank wine spritzers. they have wine coming out of taps!! how cool.

with our spacious stomachs, we moved on to shots. i was forced to drink grandma's slippers, the gross clay grey-like thing back there. it's made with the finnish licorice liquor. it's as gross as it looks.


white shoeeeessss at the disco. white shoes scare me. we danced our asses off to europop gems. the dj didn't have any of ace of base guy's hits! can you believe?
the 7am wake-up call was NOT welcome. we felt like ASS. especially v, who was still drunk as we walked off the boat. i was seriously considering staying on and sleeping back to finland. at the hotel, i nearly wept when we were told the check-in time was 3pm. i honestly don't know how i got through the day. a few days later, i saw 4 tired finns who did it better than we did.

stockholm is a really pretty city.

the boys, however, didn't live up to expectations. don't believe the hype. there was a lot of overstylized eurotrash - i wasn't too impressed. i think the girls probably lived up to standards, but i wasn't checking them out too closely beyond seeing they wore way too many leggings.

i'm mature, i am.
apparently, these are the new thing. the zipper is about 10 inches long and the waist comes up to the boob area. you saw it here first.

the last showdown back in helsinki, there was a club opening that sounded kind of cool. we went to check it out and saw the crowd outside and decided to run away, very quickly. if this is what was coming out, imagine what was still inside.

k, you're a sexy beast and you know it. thanks for everything!

yoda cutiepie!
random left-overs, ny-style.
you can count on vice parties to bring out the weirdos.

i was trying not to think of the swamp ass she must have in those vinyl pants.

still have not figured out what that black bodysuit ensemble is.
unfortunately, this is what a typical bloc party fan looks like nowadays.

i was nervously awaiting your post. but hey, you could have airbrushed my thighs...
was lovely to have you over -- welcome back anytime!
p.s. the cheese cutter's soon on it's way...
nervous?? why nervous?! your thighs look fine, no cottage cheese in sight, so shush.
oh, my, where's the thong... the thong... i want to see the thong... ????
and yes. i started a blog out of boredom.
woot! down with work! the thong de thong pic is on the cd heading your way.
go see mr funky pants at hel-looks.com
love how he's in at #1, too.
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